Fieldbus interface

Parameter name


Fieldbus configuration

Activating the fieldbus connection

  • Yes
  • No

Index: 50000.150

IEC name: -

Start address

Start address of the fieldbus process data words in the array of the bus system. Counting starts at 1.

Index: 50000.151

IEC name: -

Basic process data

Number of process data for the software module without activated "Functions used"

Index: 50000.159

IEC name: -

Process data of the function used

Additional process data of the activated "Functions used"

Index: 50000.161

IEC name: -

Additional process data

Additional process data that is not occupied by the software module and can be freely assigned by the user. The assignment of this process data must be programmed in the IEC program.

Index: 50000.160

IEC name: -

Process data length

Length of the process data of the software module

Index: -

IEC name: -

Decimal places via fieldbus

Define number of decimal places for position, speed, acceleration and jerk via fieldbus.

Index: 50000.155 (position), 50000.156 (speed), 50000.157 (acceleration), 50000.158 (jerk)

PROFINET diagnostic alarms

Activate diagnostic alarms


INFORMATION: A current device description file must be available for the texts to be displayed correctly.

Send errors and warnings as PROFINET diagnostic alarms so that they can be read in plain text.

Index: 50000.164

IEC name: -

Slot number

Position of the software module on the fieldbus. Slot number 1 corresponds to the first freely available slot.

For more information, refer to the "Controllers of the MOVI-C® Modular Automation System – Startup with PROFINET/PROFIsafe" manual

Index: -

IEC name: -

Fieldbus interface

MOVIKIT® default assignment for process data input PI 4

Actual torque
[0.1% nominal motor torque]

Index: 50040.12

IEC name: -