Horizontal-form-fill-seal machine

The MOVIKIT® RotaryKnife can be used along with the MOVIKIT® FilmFeeder to implement the cross-sealing process on an HFFS machine (horizontal-form-fill-seal machine).

Cross-sealing process

The drive of the cross-sealing unit [1] uses the MOVIKIT® RotaryKnife. The lower tool on the cross-sealing unit is mechanically coupled with the cross-sealing unit drive (coupling is not shown in the diagram). An infeed conveyor belt is used to transport the product to the knife [2]. The knife cuts and seals the product in sections of a defined length. The rotary knife synchronizes itself with the infeed conveyor belt for the cutting process. The outfeed conveyor belt transports the cut sections out of the cutting zone [3].


Drive of cross-sealing unit



