
The touchprobe function is not permanently activated. It can be activated, for example, at the start of the program or only at a certain point on the path of the robot. This prevents the triggering of the sensor in a wrong path segment.

A touchprobe event is activated by a registration using the "REG_TOUCHPROBE_EVENT" instruction in the SRL program. The following setting options are available for the instruction:

  • The trigger source is set using the Source parameter.
    • With the "InverterTouchprobe" setting, the touchprobe positions of the inverters are used. For this purpose, a touchprobe sensor must be connected to all inverters of the robot (except for axes subordinate to a MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController). Additionally, all MultiMotion axes of the robot must be configured as described in chapter Configuring the "MultiMotion touchprobe". The trigger position can be determined very precisely (< 0.2 ms registration time, independent of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER used and the set cycle time of the HighPrio task) via the inverter touchprobe.
    • With the setting "BoolVariable" as the Source, the digital input to which the sensor is connected or any other signal must be mapped to an SRL Boolean variable in the IEC program. Additional settings in MOVISUITE® are not required. With this setting, the actual position of the inverter is used, and not the touchprobe position of the inverter. It is read in the cycle of the HighPrio task (≥ 1 ms, depending on the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER and the functionality used. See chapter Cycle times for more information).
    • - If you are using the MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController with a simulated axis or a virtual axis below the robot, the "InverterTouchprobe" setting and the "BoolVariable" setting use the actual position from the inverter instead of touchprobe positions. These axis types do not have any touchprobe positions.
    • – With the setting "BoolVariable" as the Source, you additionally parameterize the index of the Boolean variable in the SourceBoolVar parameter, and the edge that is to be triggered in the Level parameter.
  • The Mode parameter is used to set the number of trigger events to be detected until deregistration. When set to "Single", one trigger is detected. When set to "Multiple", all triggers are detected until deregistration.
  • The MeasuringDirection parameter is used to set the direction (X, Y, or Z) in which the sensor triggers a trigger. For example, if the height of a palletizing application is measured vertically along Z direction, then set "Z". The MeasuringDirection parameter also specifies the direction to which the distance of sensor-based positioning refers.


The touchprobe function can be activated for several path segments. Once activated, the touchprobe function remains active until

  • the (touchprobe) sensor is triggered in "Single" mode,
  • the function is deactivated with the instruction "DEREG_TOUCHPROBE_EVENT,
  • the motion pointer ("M" for "Motion") passes the "CONTINUE AFTER POSITIONING EVENT" instruction or
  • the SRL main program has ended or is stopped. When subprograms are ended, the touchprobe function remains active and is not deactivated automatically.