P207 Hoist preload
Setting range: -150% – 150%; Set value!
It is essential that you set this parameter. If you leave this setting unchanged ("Set value!"), fault F09 (Startup fault) is immediately issued when the drive is enabled.
The parameter is only effective in the operating mode P700: VFC&Hoist. This parameter determines the initial value of the slip control when the drive is enabled.
The slip control is pretensioned to a signed, preset value. This setting can, for example, prevent the unwanted sagging of hoists when the brake is released.
A positive value must be entered for applications that lift loads with CW rotation of the motor.
A negative value must be entered for applications that lift loads with CCW rotation of the motor.
When parameters are set to values > 150% or < -150% via MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio, the settings are reset to the value "Set value!".
Values between 151% and 199%, that have been set via the parameter access (FBG11B or fieldbus) will be accepted by the software and displayed on the interface, but they will be limited to 150%.
The values +200% and -200% will reset the function to the value "Set value!". Using the direct parameter access, no text is displayed, but only values.
Recommended settings: