FS input fault

FS – input fault

If the safety option detects a fault at a safe digital input, the affected safe digital input is switched to the safe state. If the affected safe digital input is parameterized as dual-channel, both inputs are switched to the safe state. In the FS-protocol, the bits of the affected safe digital inputs are set to "0" and the fault bit is set to "1".

In addition, the corresponding fault code is transferred for the FS input fault that occurred.


If a safe digital input is assigned to a safety sub-function via function assignment, then this safety sub-function is selected in the event of an FS input fault.
At a safe digital input with detected fault, the fault must first be resolved and the safe state established before acknowledging the FS input fault. In this way, a safety sub-function is not erroneously selected after acknowledgment of an FS input fault.

FS – critical fault

In the case of a critical fault, the safety option is set to the safe state. All safe digital inputs are switched to the safe state. In addition, the STO safety sub-function is executed without a delay. The sensor supply for the safe digital inputs is also switched to de-energized state. Active safe communication is suspended.

In addition, the corresponding fault code is transferred for the critical fault that occurred.

Error messages

If there is a fault in the safety option, the inverter indicates that the safety option is reporting a fault.

Measures for fault elimination and more information on causes can be found using the fault status of the safety option.