Fault 25 Parameter memory monitoring

Fault: 25.55 (1937hex | 6455dec)

Description: Incompatible safety card parameter set on replaceable memory module


Response: FS – warning



Parameter set on replaceable memory module created by incompatible safety card version.

Set the safety card parameters again and validate.

Fault: 25.56 (1938hex | 6456dec)

Description: Corrupt safety card parameter set on replaceable memory module


Response: FS – warning



Corrupt safety card parameter set on replaceable memory module.

Set the safety card parameters again and validate.

Fault: 25.57 (1939hex | 6457dec)

Description: Internal communication fault while accessing replaceable memory module


Response: FS – warning



Internal communication fault while accessing replaceable memory module.

– Switch the device off and on again.

– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the safety card and send it together with the fault number to SEW‑EURODRIVE. For further support, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Fault: 25.58 (193Ahex | 6458dec)

Description: Fault applying parameter set of safety card from replaceable memory module


Response: FS – warning



Failure to apply the parameter set of the safety card from the replaceable memory module can have the following reasons:

– The Assist CS.. tool is open.

– Another parameterization process is running.

– Switch the device off and on again.

– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the safety card and send it together with the fault number to SEW‑EURODRIVE. For further support, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Fault: 25.59 (193Bhex | 6459dec)

Description: Communication faultwith the basic device


Response: FS – warning



A fault prevented the changed configuration from being saved to the replaceable memory module.

Switch the device off and on again.

Fault: 25.100 (1964hex | 6500dec)

Description: Device replacement detected


Response: FS – message



Current parameter set of safety card differs from parameter set stored on replaceable memory module.

No action required. The parameter set of the replaceable memory module is applied to the safety card.

Fault: 25.101 (1965hex | 6501dec)

Description: Update of data of replaceable memory module from safety option


Response: FS – message



The data on the replaceable memory module has been saved by an earlier version of the safety option.

For information only.