Using DynaStop® in connection with the STO function

To use the DynaStop® function in conjunction with the STO function, SEW-EURODRIVE recommends control using the SS1-t safety function.


Activating the FCB01 Output stage inhibit while the drive unit is running will activate DynaStop®. This can cause high torque loads, which may damage the drive unit and the application.
Possible damage to property.
  • Activate the FCB01 output stage inhibit only when the speed is "0".

The following figure shows the use of the DynaStop® function in conjunction with the STO function and controller according to SS1-t:


DynaStop® is activated at the end of the downward ramp at standstill.

Parameter setting:

  • Functions > Drive functions > FCB02 Stop standard >
    Behavior at standstill = "Drive not energized (brake applied/DynaStop® activated (factory setting)


At the end of the downward ramp, the motor initially remains energized.

DynaStop® is activated when STO is triggered.

Parameter settings:

  • Functions > Drive functions > FCB02 Stop standard >
    Behavior at standstill = Drive energized (brake released/DynaStop® deactivated)
  • Functions > Drive functions > FCB01 Output stage inhibit >
    Activate DynaStop® with STO = "1" (factory setting = "0")




Point in time at which the deceleration ramp is initiated


Point in time at which STO is activated


Time span between initiating the deceleration ramp and STO

Range of safe time delay

Range with active STO function