Technical data of EtherNet/IP™, Modbus TCP interface

EtherNet/IP™, Modbus TCP

Manufacturer ID


Device ID


Connection technology

M12 plug connector

Supported baud rate

100 MBd/10 MBd (full duplex, half duplex)

Application protocols

EtherNet/IP™, Modbus TCP, HTTP, SNMP, DHCP, SEW Application Services

Port numbers used

67/68, 80, 161, 310, 502, 2222, 44818

Application profiles

CIP Safety™ (in preparation)

Permitted cable types

Category 5 and higher, class D according to IEC 11801

Maximum cable length (from switch to switch)

100 m

EDS file name

SEW MOVI-C Extra-Low Voltage Drives.eds