Integrating safe communication

Each safety option must be created by the user in the safety program. For establishing the operation of the safety function, defined variables are available that can be named differently depending on the FSoE master.


The following example illustrates these variables on the basis of group ports from Beckhoff:



Group ports for controlling


Starts/stops the execution of the FSoE program.

Err Ack

Error reset/acknowledgment of safe communication.

Module fault


Group ports for monitoring

FB Err

Error during execution of a function block.

Com Err

Communication error.

Out Err

Output error.

Other Err

Other error.

Com Startup

Safe communication is established.

FB Inactive


FB Run

Execution of function blocks is running.

In Run

Safety program is running.

The procedure for starting the safety function and for reintegrating a safety device depends on the FSoE master and is not shown here.

Safety over EtherCAT® has validity information for its safe process data. This is transferred from master to slave for the process output data when the safety protocol is established and from slave to master for the process input data. If the master signals "invalid", all process output data at the slave side is reset to zero. The slave always signals "valid" with the current process input data.