Example: Path events


Make sure that all the required indices of the M-functions are implemented as an IEC call function in the user program before executing the G-code. Furthermore, the implemented IEC call function must return "TRUE" as a result during its first call in behavior 3 (path event). Otherwise, an error that will cause an emergency stop of the application will occur when the path event is triggered.

The following example shows the conversion of G-code to SEW Robot Language when all M-functions used have been configured with path event.

Observe the following information for this example:

  • If there is no travel command between the end of the program (END_PROG) and the end of a registered path event (REG_PATH_EVENT), the G-code import automatically adds an empty linear travel command (LIN_EXPLICIT without coordinates).
  • The empty linear travel command is needed so that a path event is permissible at the end of the program. This causes the point that was last entered (via X, Y, Z, A…) to be traveled to again and causes an exact stop.
  • If the imported G-code program is invoked as a sub-program via the SEW Robot Language command CALL_PROG and the aforementioned situation applies to this G-code program, an exact stop will be performed before exiting the subprogram. Avoid registering a path event at the end of a subprogram if no exact stop is to be performed upon exiting.

G1 X0 Y0


G1 X350


G1 Y350


G1 X0


G1 Y0


SEW Robot Language

Path events can be recorded using an activated pen (in the ControlPanel of the 3D simulation). A ball marks the position on the path, on which the M-function was executed or the path event was triggered.