CAE data

CAE data is available for a wide range of electronic products for control cabinet installation as well as for SEW‑EURODRIVE's decentralized technology:

  • Control cabinet inverters (MOVIDRIVE® B, MOVITRAC® B, MOVITRAC® LTE/LTP)
  • MOVI-C® control cabinet inverters (MOVIDRIVE®, MOVITRAC®)
  • Braking resistors, inductances, frequency inverter options, brake rectifiers
  • MOVI-C® decentralized technology (MOVIMOT®, MOVIGEAR®, MOVIFIT®)

The CAE data (EPLAN article data sets *.edz) contains the following information, among other things:

  • Commercial data (dimensions, product images, documentation, etc.)
  • Logic macro in several variants (single- and multi-pole circuit diagram macro)
  • Function template
  • 2D macros, 3D macros (for virtual control cabinet installation)
  • Connection diagrams (for virtual cable routing)
  • Drilling patterns (for mechanical CNC machining)
  • DXF data (can be accessed via the EPLAN Data Portal)