CAD data in Online Support

  1. Follow these steps:

You will then see the following screen:


"CAD data" tab


Search field

  1. Enter a type designation, a serial number, or the number of a quotation or an order confirmation (AB) in the search field [2].
  2. Click [Find].
  3. A different window opens depending on what you have entered in the search field:
    • Entering a serial number: The window for adjusting and downloading the CAD data opens.
    • Entering an SEW type designation: The window for the product specification opens (see the following screenshot). As soon as you have completed the specification by clicking [Create CAD data], the window for adjusting and downloading the CAD data opens.
    • Entering a quotation or order confirmation number: If you are authorized, all the items of the transaction are listed. You must be logged in to use this operation. Select the required item. Click [Next]. A window opens for selecting and downloading the required data and documents.

The following figure shows the window for adjusting and downloading the CAD data.


Navigation bar


Action bar


Selection of formats and views


Download of individual files


Link to other export formats


  1. Select the required CAD formats and views [4] for data export.
    You can find additional export formats via the gear symbol [5]. If you are logged in, you can save your export settings permanently here.
  2. If you want to download the data collectively as a single ZIP file or forward it, click [Download as zip file] or [Forward] in the action bar [6]. Use [Forward] to send the file via your own e-mail program or to copy a link to the result to the clipboard. Alternatively, you can also download the CAD data individually in various formats [7].


If you require the available documentation for the same product, click "Documentation" in the navigation bar [3]. The current product is applied.