Setting sets of motion parameters
Motion parameters must be set in advance both for jog mode and for path interpolation (e.g. for straight sections) of joint axes, Cartesian axes, and single axes of the kinematic model. The motion parameter sets are configured in the "Variables" tab in the RobotMonitor tab.
For basic explanations on this topic, refer to the chapters Motion profiles, Sets of motion parameters, and Calculating the motion parameters. The specified Default units apply.
The "Fill and copy MotionSets" function is available for quick startup by filling the motion parameter sets via copying. For further information on this function, refer to chapter Filling motion parameter sets by copying.
- The RobotMonitor has started and is connected.
- Access permission has been requested.
- Switch to the "Variables" tab.
- In the "Variables" tab, switch to the "MotionSet" tab.
- The 8 motion parameter sets are displayed.
- Expand the details of the required motion parameter set ("MotionSet") by clicking the arrow.
- Under "MotionSet", open the "Kinematic" parameter group.
- Under "Kinematic", open the parameter groups of the joint axes ("Joint") in use.
- Set the motion parameters for speed, acceleration, deceleration, and jerk for each kinematic joint axis.
- Under "MotionSet", open the parameter groups "Translation" and "Rotation".
- Set the motion parameters for speed, acceleration, deceleration, and jerk for translation and rotation.
- To confirm your settings, click the [Send] button marked in yellow.
- The values configured for the motion parameter sets are temporarily stored in volatile memory for the current configuration. Afterwards save the SRL program to permanently preserve the motion parameter sets.