LogicalDevice MOVI-C auxiliary axis (in preparation)

The logical device "LogicalDevice MOVI-C auxiliary axis" represents an axis from the MOVI-C® modular automation system.

This axis is a non-interpolating axis in which setpoint generation is performed for all PLCopen motion modules on the inverter.

  • MC_Home: Uses inverter-based reference travel FCB 12. Controller-based reference travel can be configured as an option.
  • MC_TorqueControl: Uses the inverter-based function FCB 07.
  • MC_MoveVelocity: Uses the inverter-based function FCB 05.
  • MC_MoveAbsolute / MC_MoveRelative / MC_MoveAdditive: Use the inverter-based function FCB 09.
  • Synchronized movements (MC_GearIn / MC_CamIn) are not possible.
  • Superimposed movements (MC_MoveSuperimposed) are not possible.