The initialization determines where the origin of the moving USER coordinate system is located with respect to the BASE coordinate system of the robot. It is also necessary to specify which type of moving coordinate system is involved. The initialization can be performed, for example in the INIT part of the USER_PRG. For a conveyor application, the type "linear" must be specified, and for a rotary table, the type "rotary".
The displacement in X direction, Y direction and Z direction is specified in [mm] using the transformation parameters alrOrigin[1..3]. The transformation parameters alrOrigin[4..6] define the successive rotation around the Z axis, the new Y axis and the new X axis in [°]. The direction of movement can be configured for conveyor belts using eMotionControl. A conveyor belt moves in the positive X direction by default. The positive rotation of a USER coordinate system of the type "rotary" is in a mathematical positive direction around the Z axis.
The MultiMotion axis of the rotary table must be set as a modulo axis with travel range [-180°, 180°] when controlled by the robot by setting the coordinate system "USER_ControlledByRobot".
Additionally, a connection of the USER coordinate system to the robot and to the 3D simulation is required. For further information, refer to the chapters Synchronized movement with a conveyor belt (conveyor tracking), Synchronized movement with a rotary table and Special features of controlling a rotary table by the robot.