Parameter channel via process data
All devices of the MOVI-C® modular automation system offer the option of reading and writing parameters via acyclic services. The additional function "Parameter channel via process data" provides services for reading or writing device parameters irrespective of the fieldbus.
The device parameters are written to volatile memory, which means that the data is not saved permanently but will be lost when switching off the inverter. When the inverter is switched on again, the last parameterized value is available again.
You can activate the additional function in the [Basic settings] configuration menu under "Functions used". When the additional function is activated, the [Parameter channel] configuration menu is available in the [Diagnostics] configuration:

To use the parameter channel, the following information is required for assigning the process data:
- Index, subindex, and offset of the parameter
- Data to be sent or read
For a detailed list of available parameter channel process data, refer to the process input and process output data in chapter Process data assignment. Information on how to use the additional function is described in chapter Application examples.