Response when canceling secure communication
If the "Safe communication fault response" is not activated during a failure of the safe process data communication, all process data bits will be overwritten and processed with the substitute value "0". This means that all enabled safety sub-functions (including the STO safety sub-function) will be activated. This can lead to an abrupt stop of the system.
With activated "Safe communication fault response", the "SS1" fault response can be set and the corresponding SSx1 or SSx2 instance can be selected.
Before first establishment of the safe process data communication, all process data bits are set to the substitute value "0". After the safe process data communication is established and fails again, the process data bit of the set SSx instance will be set to "0". The other process data bits of the STO, SDI, and SLS function will retain the last value. All other process data bits will be set to "0". After the SSx ramp has reached the final state of the STO function, all process data bits will be set to "0".
If "Safe communication fault response" is activated, in the event of a failure of the communication, the response time until the activation of the STO safety sub-function will be extended by the times of the parameterized SSx instance.