Counting direction

For the process values to have identical signs in the inverter as well, the encoder parameter Counting direction (8708.6) of the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety options must be set as follows, depending on the inverter parameters Direction of rotation reversal (8362.2) and Counting direction (8381.6).

Encoder parameters:

Inverter parameters:

  • Counting direction (8708.6)
  • Direction of rotation reversal (8362.2)
  • Counting direction (8381.6)

8708.6 = Normal

8362.2 = Off

8381.6 = Normal

8362.2 = On

8381.6 = Inverted

8708.6 = Inverted

8362.2 = On

8381.6 = Normal

8362.2 = Off

8381.6 = Inverted