Installation topology of DFC..8 / DSI..8, with 24 V auxiliary voltage

The following figure shows the basic installation topology with MOVIMOT® performance ELV:


The current supply of the drive unit is realized through a DC 48 V output voltage from the power supply unit. The 24 V auxiliary voltage is additionally connected to the isolated logic supply via a 4-core cabling. The figure shows the assignment of the supply cable connector when connected directly to MOVIMOT® performance ELV. The supply cable connector has an M12 connection thread, is male, 5-pin and L-coded. The cable lengths must be dimensioned according to the power supply unit and the load case of the drives.


External brake chopper with braking resistor, if necessary.


The maximum permitted cable length of the Ethernet fieldbus cable between the drive units is 100 m. The maximum permitted cable length between controller and drive unit is 100 m. The permitted length might be less due to the technical data of the controller.