Scope of functions of the process data profiles


Range of functions

5 PD

MOVIKIT® Velocity – 5 process data words for speed-variable applications. Encoder feedback is not mandatory.

8 PD

MOVIKIT® Positioning – 8 process data words for the operating modes listed below. Encoder feedback is necessary to be able to use the full range of functions.

  • Jog in position control (FCB 20) or speed controlled (FCB 05)
    Note: Encoder feedback not mandatory with FCB 05.
  • Velocity control (encoder feedback not mandatory)
  • Referencing
  • Positioning (linear and modulo)

For further information, refer to chapter Operating modes.

+1 PD

Additional function – variable jerk time

This additional function extends the range of functions by providing the ability to specify the jerk time. The additional function extends the process data length by one process data word.

For further information, refer to chapter Variable jerk time via process data.

+2 PD

Additional function – torque limiting Q1

This additional function extends the range of functions to include the option of specifying the torque of the connected axis via the application. The additional function extends the process data length by 2 process data words. (Only available with MOVISUITE® permission level "advanced".)

For further information, refer to chapter Variable torque limiting Q1.

+4 PD

Additional function – touchprobe 1
(only available with MOVIKIT® Positioning)

This additional function extends the range of functions by providing the ability to read the acquired position and the trigger counter during a trigger event. In combination with the "Touchprobe positioning absolute" operating mode, a trigger event can also be positioned at a position that is relative to the touchprobe position. The additional function extends the process data length by 4 process data words.

For further information, refer to chapter Touchprobe 1.

+1 PD

Additional function – brake test
(only available with MOVIKIT® Positioning)

Extends the range of functions by the option of using the FCB 21 brake test drive function. The function is activated via the setpoint application mode (PO 6 value = 700). The additional function extends the process data length by 1 process data word.

For further information, refer to chapter Brake test.


Additional function – additional process values of the inverter

Extends the range of functions with the ability to configure inverter process values (process input data from inverter to MOVI-C® CONTROLLER, process output data from MOVI-C® CONTROLLER to inverter is not available) that can be transferred directly via the fieldbus interface. The number of additional process values of the inverter depends on the number configured in the "Basic settings" configuration menu and on how many freely assignable process data word are still available based on the active additional functions.

For further information, refer to chapter Additional process values of the inverter.