Touchprobe 1


Only included if the function is activated in the "Basic settings" configuration menu under "Functions used".

Parameter name



Wait for trigger

Activated, if waiting for a trigger event.

Index: 8352.2

Trigger activated

Activated when a trigger event has occurred.

Index: 8352.2

Detected value

Position at the time of the trigger event.

Index: 8352.3



Source for activating the trigger for recording a signal.

Index: 8352.10


Selection of the type of edge used for triggering:

  • Rising edge
  • Falling edge
  • Rising and falling edge

Index: 8352.11

Sensor delay rising edge

Delay of the sensor used for the rising edge at the trigger input. This time will be included in the calculation of the touchprobe event value.

Index: 8352.12

Sensor delay falling edge

Delay of the sensor used for the falling edge at the trigger input. This time will be included in the calculation of the touchprobe event value.

Index: 8352.13


Counter of trigger events. This value is incremented by the value 1 with each trigger event.

Index: 8352.14

Data source

Data source

Selects the data source for recording

INFORMATION: If modulo limits have been configured, set "Actual position in user units – modulo" here.

Index: 8352.30

PO data format

Selects the format of the process data:

  • 16 bit
  • 32 bits – big endian
  • 32 bits – little endian

The data format is specified when accessing the PO data words. PO data words have a width of 16 bits and can be combined to a 32-bit value using the PO data format. This parameter has no effect for data sources with a word width of 32 bits.

Index: 8352.31

Process data –

modulo minimum

Modulo minimum of the source. Is required only if the data source is to be recorded at the time of the modulo change.

Index: 8352.32

Process data –

modulo maximum

Modulo maximum of the source. Is required only if the data source is to be recorded at the time of the modulo change.

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Process data – dead time

Delay of the process data. In the case of touchprobe, the value of the data source is recorded. Using this setting, the runtime of the process data can be compensated.

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Process data – cycle time

Cycle time of the process data. In the case of touchprobe, the value of the data source is recorded. Using this setting, the runtime of the process data can be compensated.

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