Configuring the source of the referenced signal and saving the referencing in a power failure-safe manner
Source of the referenced signal = encoder
In the "Encoder" setting, only the referenced signals of the encoder are relevant. As a result, a canceled referencing cannot be reliably identified. After power cycling the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER, the referenced signal can be present again, although no valid referencing has been carried out.
Furthermore, this setting can be used if the encoder already delivers a valid referenced signal without referencing.
Source of the referenced signal = profile generator
Using the "profile generator" setting, a successful referencing must take place so that the software module reports "referenced". During the process, there is also the option of saving this signal in a power failure-safe manner.
If no saving takes place, another referencing is required after power cycling the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER. We recommend not saving in the case of encoders that lose their position reference after a power cycle.
INFORMATION: Replacing an encoder does not cause a loss in the referenced signal.
Source of the referenced signal = profile generator and encoder
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends the "profile generator and encoder" setting in conjunction with saving the referencing in a power failure-safe manner. With this setting, both an encoder replacement and a canceled referencing are detected.
If saving the referencing in a power failure-safe manner is disabled, another referencing is required after power cycling the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER. This may be required, for instance, in a pocket conveyor (module).