Behavior when removing the enable or in case of an error
The FCB 13/14 is not active if the "enable/emergency stop" or "enable/application stop" bits are removed. Instead, all the software module's participants are brought to idle state via FCB 6. During the process, both the position controller and the balance controller (torque/skew) remain active. All axis group members are switched to FCB 13/14 only if the profile generator has reached speed 0. If the "anti-sway control" is also used, this must also have reached its target in addition to the profile generator.
However, if an error occurs (IEC or inverter fault), the following fault responses apply. During the process, it is always the case that the error causes the position controller to shut down and to execute the central stop profile compared to the warning. The balance controller is only shut down if absolutely necessary. Furthermore, the anti-sway control is also active when executing the central stop profile. Once the central stop profile is executed, it is switched to "Stop at user-defined limits" (FCB 26).