Tower sway
- Switch the function on/off via "Selection of setpoint correction" (eSelector)
- Activate or deactivate the function during runtime in idle state.
- Adjust the lifting height via "Distance between lifting and traveling trolley"
(lrDistanceHoistToCar) - If the lifting axis has a considerable influence on the oscillation behavior of the travel axis, it is recommended to specify the height of the lifting axis continuously. It is important that this happens cyclically in the HighPrio task. The following guide values can be assumed to have a considerable influence:
"Mass of lifting trolley" (lrMassHoist) > ⅓ × "mass of tower" (lrMassTower)
"variance" lrDistanceHoistToCar > ¼ "height of tower" (lrHeightTower) - Adjust the payload via "Mass of payload" (lrMassPayload)
- If the payload has a considerable influence on the oscillation behavior, it is recommended to set the payload as a static value prior to each positioning process. The following guide values can be assumed to have a considerable influence: "Variance "lrMassPayload > ⅓ "mass of vertical drive "(lrMassHoist)
- Terminate the travel job via IEC (xBusy)
- To continue the control chain, xBusy must report "FALSE". xBusy takes into account all changes triggered by anti-sway control compared to the original travel profile.
The variables illustrated in the following diagram are particularly suitable for monitoring the function (e.g. using trace recording):