Variable name | Description |
lrPGain | Data type: LREAL – Floating-point number |
Factor for increasing skew balancing | |
eEnableSkewing | Data type – E_EnableSkewing |
| |
xVelDecLimiterON | Data type – BOOL |
Limits the balance controller correction values for speed and deceleration:
| |
xAccLimiterON | Data type – BOOL |
Limits the balance controller correction values for acceleration:
| |
lrAccDecMaxMin | Data type: LREAL – Floating-point number |
Acceleration or deceleration limitation of the correction values of the balance controller (in user units) | |
lrVelMaxMin | Data type: LREAL – Floating-point number |
Speed limitation of the balance controller correction values (in user units) | |
eEncSelector | Data type – E_SKEWLEVELING_ENCSELECTOR |
Position source for "Skew priority" operating mode:
| |
eOverloadGuard_EncSelector | Data type: E_SKEWLEVELINGOLGUARD_ENCSELECTOR |
Speed source for overload protection:
| |
lrSkewErrorWindow | Data type: LREAL – Floating-point number |
Window of the skew error (in user units) When the value is set to "0", the skew error window is disabled. | |
lrSkewWindow | Data type – LREAL |
Window for output xInSkewWindow (in user units) |