Group members synchronize while moving
- Set the lrMACPriority_Torque_Skew variable of the SuperAxisGroup to the value "2" to activate the operating mode "Skew priority – without overload protection", and reference all group members.
- In the Basic.IN structure of the SuperAxisGroup, set the xEnable_EmergencyStop and xEnable_ApplicationStop variables to "TRUE".
- Set the xGetAccessControl variable of the ASide to "TRUE" to request access to the user interface of the axis group.
- In the Basic.IN structure of the ASide, set the xEnable_EmergencyStop and xEnable_ApplicationStop variables to "TRUE" to enable the axis group.
- In the ProfileGeneration.Positioning.IN structure of the A-side, enter the value "10" as the lrPosition target position.
- Set the xGetAccessControl variable of the ASide to "FALSE" to terminate access to the axis group.
- In the Basic.IN structure of the SuperAxisGroup, set the xEnable_EmergencyStop and xEnable_ApplicationStop variables to "TRUE" to enable the axis group. In the ProfileGeneration.Positioning.IN structure of the SuperAxisGroup, also specify the following parameters directly: