Visualizing data

The data recorded via the software module can be visualized using MOVIKIT® Web Visualization. To do so, proceed as follows:


For more detailed information on how to use MOVIKIT® Web Visualization, refer to the corresponding documentation.
  • Startup of the software module has been performed.
  • Licensing for MOVIKIT® Web Visualization has been performed.
  1. Add a Visualization Manager element to the open IEC project. If the IEC project already contains a Visualization Manager element, check whether the settings of the Visualization Manager element described below match and add the new WebVisu element below the existing Visualization Manager element, if necessary.
  2. In the configuration of the Visualization Manager, select the entry "SEW_FRAMEWORK, (SEW_FRAMEWORK)" from the "Selected Style" drop-down list in the "Style Configuration" area.
  3. In the "General Settings" area, select the "Support client animations and overlay of native elements" check box, and in the "Additional Settings" area, activate the "Semi-transparent drawing" check box and the "Standard keyboard handling" check box.
  4. Add a WebVisu element to the Visualization Manager.
    • The configuration of the WebVisu element is displayed.
  5. In the configuration of WebVisu, select the "SCR_VISU" visualization contained in the "SEW MOVIKIT DeviceVitality" library as the "Start visualization".
  6. Enter the value "deviceidentity" as the "Name of the .htm file".
  7. Click [Project] > [Project Settings] in the menu bar.
    • The "Project Settings" dialog box appears.
  8. Click the "Visualization Profile" submenu.
  9. In the "Visualization Profile" section, select the entry "CODESYS V3.5 SP17" in the "Specific Profile" drop-down list.
  10. Click [OK] to confirm your selection.
  11. Perform startup of the MOVIKIT® Web Visualization as described in the corresponding manual.
  12. In the device tree in the task configuration, open the context menu of the task "TaskHmi" and click [Add object] > [Program call...].
    • The "Add program call" dialog box is displayed.
  13. Click […] in the field "POU for call".
  14. In the "SEW_MK_DeviceVitality" library, navigate to the "DriveRadar_HMI" > "SYSTEM_LIB" > "FRAMEWORK" folder, select the "PRG_HMI_FW_VITALITY" program and click [OK].
  15. In the "Add program call" dialog box, click [Add].
  16. Transfer the IEC project to the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
  17. Start the IEC project on the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
    • The visualization can be accessed at the following URL: http://<IP address of MOVI-C® CONTROLLER>:8080/<Name of .htm file>.html