Behavior of the software limit switches

The behavior when starting a software limit switch depends on the selected operating mode.

  • Speed control (Velocity)
  • When a software limit switch is reached, the inverter responds with the fault response set in the inverter (configuration of the inverter > Monitoring functions > Overview of fault responses) and the corresponding error message:
    • 16#3001 = positive software limit switch hit
    • 16#3002 = negative software limit switch hit
  • Absolute positioning (Positioning)
  • Target position monitoring not active (configuration of the operating mode or xTargetPositionMonitoring = FALSE in the IEC program):
  • When a software limit switch is reached, the inverter responds with the fault response set in the inverter (configuration of the inverter > Monitoring functions > Overview of fault responses) and the corresponding error message:
    • 16#3001 = positive software limit switch hit
    • 16#3002 = negative software limit switch hit
  • Target position monitoring active (configuration of the operating mode or xTargetPositionMonitoring = true in the IEC program):
  • Absolute positioning behind one of the software limit switches is not performed. Error 30218 = 16#760A is issued.
  • Relative positioning (PositioningRelative)
  • Target position monitoring not active (configuration of the operating mode or xTargetPositionMonitoring = FALSE in the IEC program):
  • When a software limit switch is reached, the inverter responds with the fault response set in the inverter (configuration of the inverter > Monitoring functions > Overview of fault responses) and the corresponding error message:
    • 16#3001 = positive software limit switch hit
    • 16#3002 = negative software limit switch hit
  • Target position monitoring active (configuration of the operating mode or xTargetPositionMonitoring = true in the IEC program):
  • Relative positioning behind one of the software limit switches is not performed. Error 30218 = 16#760A is issued.
  • Jog mode (Jog)
  • The jog function stops exactly on the software limit switches, which means it reaches them at speed 0. When a software limit switch is reached, the inverter responds with the fault response set in the inverter (configuration of the inverter > Monitoring functions > Overview of fault responses) and the corresponding error message:
    • 16#3001 = positive software limit switch hit
    • 16#3002 = negative software limit switch hit
  • If the axis is already behind one of the software limit switches at the start of the movement, an attempt to continue the movement in the software limit switch triggers error 30227 = 16#7613 (positive software limit switch) or 30228 = 16#7614 (negative software limit switch).
  • Direct coupling (Tracking) / synchronous operation (Gearing) / electronic cam (Camming)
  • When a software limit switch is reached, the inverter responds with the fault response set in the inverter (configuration of the inverter > Monitoring functions > Overview of fault responses) and the corresponding error message:
    • 16#3001 = positive software limit switch hit
    • 16#3002 = negative software limit switch hit