


For further information on the parameters, refer to chapter Functional description.

Parameter name


Basic settings

Number of belts

Number of belts in the application

Index: 50030.100

IEC name: -

Length of belt conveyor

Length of the belt conveyors in the application
All belt conveyors must have the same length.

Index: 50030.101

IEC name: -

Transfer to stock

Distance of box to belt end [3]

Distance of box to belt end

Index: 50030.106

IEC name: -

Distance of telescope in home position to belt end [4]

Distance of telescope in home position to belt end

Index: 50030.107

IEC name: -

Belt stop distance

Belt overtravel distance after the box has left the belt.

Index: 50030.108

IEC name: -

Remove from stock

Belt pretravel distance

Pretravel distance of the belt during retrieval. This distance is allowed for the belt for acceleration so that a transfer speed of the box other than 0 can be reached.

Index: 50030.112

IEC name: -

Belt overtravel distance

Overtravel distance of the belt once the box is completely on the belt. The retrieved box is positioned at this distance from the end of the belt.

Index: 50030.111

IEC name: -

Functions used

Belt stop distance via PD

Do not use the value for the "Belt stop distance" parameter from the configuration in MOVISUITE® but make this value available by means of an additional process data.

Index: 50030.113 Bit0

IEC name: -

Belt pretravel distance via PD

Do not use the value for the "Belt pretravel distance" from the configuration in MOVISUITE® but make available this value by means of an additional process data.

Index: 50030.114 Bit0

IEC name: -

Belt overtravel distance via PD

Do not use the value for the "Belt overtravel distance" parameter from the configuration in MOVISUITE® but make this value available via an additional process data.

Index: 50030.115 Bit0

IEC name: -

Continuation after uncoordinated stop

Allow travel to continue

In the event of an uncoordinated stop, the job is not canceled but interrupted. Continuation of the travel is adjusted to reduce the risk.

Index: 50030.116 Bit0

IEC name: -