Standard path segments with variable size

During initialization of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER (SEW_PRG.Init), the SRL variables used by the process data interface are assigned names that also provide information about the exact process data word and the bit. To view the data, open the RobotMonitor after configuring and starting the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER and scroll to the corresponding position in the SRL variable list.

The numbering of the process data does not refer to the absolute number in the fieldbus interface but is only the relative number in the standard path segment.
Word | Bit | In | Description |
PO 1 | 0-3 | Set of motion parameters | Selection of the motion parameter set for this path segment via the 4 bits as NIBBLE. |
4 | Wait point | TRUE – Stopping at the previous pose is forced. FALSE – Enable for traveling this path segment if the path has not already been terminated by a path end (bit 5). | |
5 | End point | TRUE – End program at this target pose. Only the first path end (across all path segments in the entire telegram) is effective. | |
… | … |
| |
PO 2 | 0-15 | Blending distance | Blending distance between the last path segment and this path segment (i.e. at the target pose of the last path segment). |
PO 3 to 2+p* | 0-15 | Target pose | Target pose specification for this path segment. |
* p = pose size, see chapter Poses. Default value: 4.