Setting motion parameters
Command that specifies the speed, acceleration, deceleration, and jerk of subsequent motion commands. You can define the properties of translation, rotation, and joints 1-6.
The set values are valid until they are changed again with a new call of SET_MOTION_PARA or until all motion parameters are overwritten by a complete motion parameter set with the command SET_MOTIONSET. The values within the defined motion parameter sets are not changed by this command.
INFORMATION: Not all assignments may remain in "Keep". At least one assignment ("Value" or "Variable") must be made, otherwise the program is not valid.
"New Block" value: "SET_MOTION_PARA"

[1] | Identifier for an assignment of motion parameters |
[2] | Compact display of the assignment selection |
[3] | Selection to which the motion properties are to be written. Translation and rotation affect the LIN motion commands. Joint 1-6 affect the PTP commands. |
[4] | Property of the translatory motion to be written |
[5] | Selection of the assignment type (Var = SRL variable, Val = default value, Keep = no assignment is to be made, the previous value of the property is retained) |
[6] | Value that is assigned (Var = choice box with the index of the available SRL variables, Val = edit box for absolute values with the type floating point) |