Setting parameters for blending

The default values are set at program start. See also Establishing the basic state.
"New Block" value: "SET_BLENDING_PARA"

[1] | Parameters set for blending |
[2] | Distance to the end point of the last segment from which the new segment is to be blended. The blending distance 0 is the default setting and results in an exact stop. |
[3] | Show special parameters for blending |
[4] | Enable/disable blending. When disabled, an exact stop is achieved. Blending is switched on in the default setting. |
[5] | Percentage of the length of the segment to be blended, as a limitation of the parameterized BlendingDistance. With the default setting of 50%, at least half of the new segment is available for a subsequent transition. With the setting of 99%, the transition can extend over almost the entire length of the new segment. |
[6] | Deviation from circular blending. With the default setting of 1%, the transition takes place with maximum possible jerk limitation. With the setting of 99%, the transition is almost circular. |
[7] | Limitation of the centrifugal acceleration, scaled as a percentage to the minimum of the translational accelerations of the adjacent path segments. With the default setting of 100%, the path speed in the transition is limited so that the centrifugal acceleration is not greater than the parameterized translational accelerations of the adjacent segments. If, for example, a centrifugal acceleration greater by a factor of 10 should be permissible, the value 1000% must be set. A limited path speed due to centrifugal acceleration is output in the signal SEW_GVL_Internal.MyRobot.fbMotionControl.stOut.stProg.lrLimitedSpeedDueToCentrifugalAcc. "MyRobot" corresponds to the name of the robot node defined in MOVISUITE®. If the value 0 is output, the path speed is not limited. At the end of the program the variable is reset to 0. |