SRL program variables (PrgVar)

The SRL program variables are not mapped in the Main task (by MapIn/MapOut). They operate directly on the reference of the internal variables. Once the assignment is executed in the user program, the assigned value is effective for all commands executed in the SRL program from now on. SRL program variables are excluded from access management.
Interface in the IEC Editor

Variable name | Description |
axBoolValues | Data type: ARRAY OF BOOL |
List of values of the Boolean variables | |
asBoolNames | Data type: ARRAY OF STRING |
List of names of the Boolean variables | |
arRealValues | Data type: ARRAY OF REAL |
List of values of the floating point variables | |
asRealNames | Data type: ARRAY OF STRING |
List of names of the floating point variables | |
astPoseValues | Data type: ARRAY OF ST_Pose |
List of values of the pose variables | |
asPoseNames | Data type: ARRAY OF STRING |
List of names of the pose variables |