Via monitor

Do the following to control the "Torque control" operating mode via the monitor:

  1. In the "General" section, activate the "Enable emergency stop" input signal.
  2. In the "General" section, activate the "Enable application stop" input signal.
    • The "Output stage enable" output signal in the "General" section is active.
  3. Specify values for the input signals "Torque", "Maximum negative speed", "Maximum positive speed", and "Jerk time" in the "Torque control" section.
  4. In the "Torque control" section, activate the "Activate" input signal.
  5. In the "Torque control" section, activate the "Start" input signal.
    • The "Active" output signal in the "Position control" section is active.
    • When the specified torque is reached, the "Torque reached" output signal is activated in the "Torque control" section.