

  1. Connect the motor to MOVITRAC® B (terminal X2).
  2. You have the option of connecting a braking resistor (terminal X2/X3).
  3. The following signal terminals must be controlled with your control system:
    • Enable DIØ3
    • As required: CW/STOP DIØ1 or CCW/STOP DIØ2
    • Setpoint:
    • For brakemotors:
    • DOØ2 = brake control via brake rectifiers
  4. You have the option of connecting the following signal terminals:
    • DIØØ = fault reset
    • DOØ1 = /malfunction (designed as a relay contact)
    • DOØ3 = ready
  5. Check the controller for the required functionality.
  6. Connect the frequency inverter to the mains (X1).