Fault 28 FCB drive functions

Fault: 28.1 (1C01hex | 7169dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Searching zero pulse timeout


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



Failed to find zero pulse of encoder's C track within specified search time during reference travel.

Check the wiring of the encoder.

Fault: 28.2 (1C02hex | 7170dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Hardware limit switch before reference cam


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



The hardware limit switch was reached during reference travel. The reference cam was not detected.

Make sure that the reference cam is not installed behind the hardware limit switch.

Fault: 28.3 (1C03hex | 7171dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Hardware limit switch and reference cam not flush


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



Hardware limit switch and reference cam not mounted flush.

Make sure that the reference cam and hardware limit switch are mounted flush.

Fault: 28.4 (1C04hex | 7172dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Faulty reference offset


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



Fault determining reference offset.

– Make sure that the reference offset is smaller than the "Modulo maximum" limit value.

– When using a single-turn absolute encoder, make sure that the reference offset is not larger than one encoder revolution.

– Make sure that an encoder has been set as the source of the actual position when assigning the encoder.

Fault: 28.5 (1C05hex | 7173dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Referencing not possible


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



In the active drive train during encoder assignment, no encoder was specified as the source of the actual position.

– Set an encoder as the source of the actual position.

– Activate the "Referencing all encoders of the drive train" parameter.

The reference travel type "Absolute encoder position" is only permitted for absolute encoders in the position mode "Linear mode" or "Single-turn absolute position".

– Adjust the position mode of the encoder.

– Use a different reference travel type.

No encoder is assigned in the active drive train.

Assign encoder.

Fault: 28.6 (1C06hex | 7174dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Limit switch/reference cam not flush/overlapping with fixed stop


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



A hardware limit switch and a reference cam were hit at the same time during reference travel to fixed stop.

Check whether the position of hardware limit switches and reference cams for reference travel have been set correctly.

During reference travel to fixed stop and active speed changeover at hardware limit switch or reference cam, the fixed stop has been reached without the hardware limit switch or reference cam being hit.

Check whether the position of hardware limit switches and reference cams for reference travel have been set correctly.

Fault: 28.7 (1C07hex | 7175dec)

Description: FCB 21 – Required total torque too high


Response: Output stage inhibit



The required total torque is greater than the permitted maximum torque at the motor shaft. The total torque is calculated from the torque specification and the determined/specified load torque.

– Reduce the torque specification.

– Change the direction of rotation.

– Increase the power of the drive.

Fault: 28.8 (1C08hex | 7176dec)

Description: FCB 21 – Total torque not reached


Response: Output stage inhibit



The required total torque (at least 90%) was not reached. The total torque is calculated from the torque specification and the determined/specified load torque.

– Reduce the torque specification.

– Check the limit values of the inverter.

– Check the motor connection.

Fault: 28.9 (1C09hex | 7177dec)

Description: FCB 18 – Rotor position identification not possible


Response: Output stage inhibit



Rotor position identification with an incremental encoder was aborted.

– Restart the rotor position identification.

– Check whether the encoder is connected correctly.

– Check whether the encoder is defective.

Result of rotor position identification (measured encoder offset) cannot be stored in encoder.

Store the measured encoder offset in the inverter.

In the "Automatic" operating mode, the result of rotor position identification (measured encoder offset) cannot be stored in the encoder. In this operating mode, the measured value can only be stored in the inverter.

– Set the operating mode to "Manual".


– Store the measured encoder offset in the inverter.

Fault: 28.10 (1C0Ahex | 7178dec)

Description: FCB 25 – Asymmetrical motor phases


Response: Output stage inhibit



Significantly different values determined in the 3 phases while measuring stator resistances.

– Check whether the motor is connected correctly.

– Check all contact points on the motor and inverter.

– Check the motor and motor cable for damage.

Fault: 28.11 (1C0Bhex | 7179dec)

Description: FCB 25 – High impedance motor phase


Response: Output stage inhibit



At least one motor phase could not be measured during motor parameter measurement.

– Check whether the motor is connected correctly.

– Check all contact points on the motor and inverter.

– Check the motor and motor cable for damage.

Fault: 28.12 (1C0Chex | 7180dec)

Description: FCB 25 – Stator resistance measurement timeout


Response: Output stage inhibit



Motor parameter measurement activated while motor is turning.

– Stop motor.

– Start motor parameter measurement when the motor is at standstill.

Fault: 28.13 (1C0Dhex | 7181dec)

Description: FCB 25 – Characteristic curve identification not possible


Response: Output stage inhibit



The characteristic curve cannot be clearly identified by the motor parameter measurement.

Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Fault: 28.14 (1C0Ehex | 7182dec)

Description: Modulo minimum and modulo maximum not plausible


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



The value of the "Modulo minimum" parameter is greater than the value of the "Modulo maximum" parameter.

Correct the parameter values.

Fault: 28.15 (1C0Fhex | 7183dec)

Description: FCB 25 – Timeout


Response: Output stage inhibit



Measurement of rotor resistance, leakage inductance, and stator inductance not completed.

Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Fault: 28.18 (1C12hex | 7186dec)

Description: FCB 21 – Brake missing


Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit



No brake has been parameterized in the inverter. However, a brake is required to perform the brake test.

– Parameterize the brake in drive train 1.

– Start FCB 21 again.

Fault: 28.19 (1C13hex | 7187dec)

Description: FCB 21 – Encoder missing


Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit



No encoder has been parameterized in the inverter. However, an encoder is required to detect a movement of the drive.

– Parameterize the encoder in drive train 1.

– Use an encoder for speed control or position control.

– Start FCB 21 again.

Fault: 28.20 (1C14hex | 7188dec)

Description: FCB 21 – Load torque not within tolerance range


Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit



The measured load torque is outside the permitted range. The permitted range is defined by the "Load torque" and "Permitted load torque tolerance" parameters as follows:

Load torque ± permitted load torque tolerance

– Check the load torque of the system.

– Check the "Load torque" parameter value.

– Check the "Permitted load torque tolerance" parameter value.

Fault: 28.25 (1C19hex | 7193dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Faulty reference offset of encoder 1


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



Fault determining reference offset for encoder 1.

– Make sure that the reference offset is smaller than the "Modulo maximum" limit value.

– When using a single-turn absolute encoder, make sure that the reference offset is not larger than one encoder revolution.

Fault: 28.27 (1C1Bhex | 7195dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Reference cams and hardware limit switches active


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



During reference travel, the hardware limit switch was hit when the reference cam was active.

– Check the position of the reference cam to the hardware limit switch.

– Check the signal of the reference cam.

Fault: 28.28 (1C1Chex | 7196dec)

Description: FCB 11/12 – Homing not possible


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



Position control cannot be performed with the active control mode and the active encoder setting. Homing is performed exclusively in position control.

– Set an encoder as the source of the actual position.


– Deactivate "Go to home position" parameter.