| MOVIMOT® advanced with DR2C..A motor (≙ IE5) |
Description | Drive unit consisting of gear unit, synchronous motor and decentralized inverter |
Power | - 2000 min-1 speed class: 0.77 kW – 2.43 kW
- 3000 min-1 speed class: 1.35 kW – 2.26 kW
Overload capacity | 200% – 250% |
Drive data
(without gear unit) | Speed range
- 2000 min-1 speed class: 3.3 Nm – 11.6 Nm
- 3000 min-1 speed class: 3.5 Nm – 7.2 Nm
Speed range (with encoder)In preparation
- 2000 min-1 speed class: 1 min-1 – 2000 min-1
- 3000 min-1 speed class: 1 min-1 – 3000 min-1
Speed range (without encoder)
- 2000 min-1 speed class: 50 min-1 – 2000 min-1
- 3000 min-1 speed class: 75 min-1 – 3000 min-1
Options | - Digital Interface (MOVILINK® DDI) /DI
- Safe single-turn encoder /EI7C-FSOnly in conjunction with the CSL51 safety option.
 - IV /plug connector
- Load disconnector with feedback contact /D11
- Integrated braking resistor /BW1
- Please consult the DR2C.. motor documentation for additional options
- For more options, see MOVI-C® decentralized inverter options