Code | Meaning |
16#7400 | One or more parameters of the curve segments could not be found |
16#7401 | Import of the curve description caused an error See ConfigHandling for details |
16#7402 | The number of imported curve segments is outside the permitted range (1 – 20) |
16#7403 | The interface to ICurveFileList is not connected |
16#7404 | The interface to ICamSegment is not connected |
16#7405 | The interface to IAxisConfig is not connected |
16#7406 | The interface to ICammingProfile is not connected |
16#7407 | The interface to CamDescription is not connected |
16#7408 | The interface to IUnitCalculations is not connected |
16#7409 | The interface to IConfigDataHandler is not connected |
16#740A | The interface to IInterpolationModeSelection is not connected |
16#740B | The interface to the master axis is not connected |
16#740C | The interface to CamDescriptionScheduler is not connected |
16#740D | The interface to CamDescription and to CamDescriptionScheduler is not connected |
16#740E | The interface to IConfigData is not connected |
16#7410 | The interface to IPointsListSpline is not connected |
16#7411 | The interface to IPointList is not connected |
16#7412 | The interface to ICamDescriptionSchedulerCyclic is not connected |
16#7413 | The interface to ICamDescriptionCyclic is not connected |
16#7414 | The interpolation add-on is not active |
16#7415 | Missing or invalid MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Camming license |
16#7416 | Missing or invalid MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Camming interpolation add-on license |
16#7417 | System error during profile generation. For further information on enumeration, refer to the "SEW ProfGen JLimit Extern" library |
16#7418 | The set transition type is not permitted |
16#7419 | The set start mode is not permitted |
16#741A | The set stop mode is not permitted |