Manually configuring the trace

  • The IEC project is open in the IEC Editor.
  1. Open the context menu of the "Application" object in the device tree.
  2. On the "Add object" submenu, choose "Trace".
Configuring the trace
  1. Open the "Trace" tab by double-clicking the trace object you have added.
  2. On the "Trace" tab, click the "Configuration" link.
    • The "Trace configuration" dialog box appears.
  3. In the "Recording settings" section, choose "TaskHighPrio" in the "Task" choice box.
  4. In the "Recording settings" section, choose "ms" in the "Resolution" choice box.
    • In this case, you can ignore the information displayed for the "Resolution" choice box.
  5. Click the [Advanced] button.
    • The "Advanced trace settings" dialog box appears.
  6. In the "Trace editor buffer size per variable (samples)" box in the "Advanced trace settings" dialog box, enter the value "100010".
  7. Click [OK] to apply your entry in the "Advanced trace settings" dialog box.
  8. Click [OK] in the "Trace configuration" dialog box.
Adding variables
  1. Open the global variable list or the declaration area of the required block that contains the variables to be recorded.
  2. Drag and drop the required variables into the variables area (white area on the right under "Add variable") of the "Trace" tab.
  3. Open the context menu of the trace recording (press the right mouse button in the yellow recording section).
  4. In the context menu, select "Convert to multi-channel" to move each variable to a separate diagram. This function is recommended for a maximum of 7 variables. INFORMATION: A previous sorting can only be restored with great effort.
Starting a trace
  1. Open the context menu of the trace recording (press the right mouse button in the yellow recording section).
  2. On the context menu, choose "Download trace".
Stopping a trace
  1. Open the context menu of the trace recording (press the right mouse button in the yellow recording section).
  2. On the context menu, choose "Stop trace".