Overview of fault responses

Parameter name


Basic settings for central stop profile

Stop profile in case of errors

  • On – The profile generator reacts with the set fault response.
  • Off – In the event of application faults, the axis group does not stop automatically. The axis group must be stopped at the program side.

Index: 50000.6

IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Config.xAutomaticErrorReaction

Fault response

Behavior of the profile generation in case of a fault:

  • Stop without ramps
  • The profile generator abruptly freezes at the current setpoint position.
  • Stop at application limit
  • The profile generator creates a stop profile with the deceleration specified in the application limits.
  • Stop with emergency stop deceleration
  • The profile generator creates a stop profile with the specified emergency stop deceleration.

Index: 50000.11

IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Config.eErrorReaction

Axis group operation

Axis group operation response interrupted (E120.150)

If axis group operation is interrupted due to leaving the "Interpolated speed control" (FCB 06) of a drive, the following error responses can be configured:

  • Warning + central stop profile
  • Error + central stop profile

Index: 50010.200

IEC name: -

Axis group operation response interrupted by FCB 01 (E120.153)

If axis group operation is interrupted due to leaving the "Interpolated speed control" (FCB 06) of a drive via controller inhibit (FCB 01), the following error responses can be configured:

  • Warning + central stop profile
  • Error + central stop profile
  • Error + output stage inhibit

Index: 50010.201

IEC name: -

Anti-sway control

Setpoint position response of the lifting axis not initialized (E120.24)

If the travel axis is intended to be moved with the activated anti-sway control without the lifting axis being previously enabled once, the following fault response can be configured:

  • No response
  • Warning + no response
  • Error + central stop profile


INFORMATION: If the lifting axis is not approved once after power cycling the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER, the position of the lifting axis cannot be determined. In this case, it is assumed that the lifting position is at the maximum height of the tower (worst case).

Index: 50010.202

IEC name: -