Software limit switches
The MOVIKIT® Robotics software module distinguishes between several types of software limit switches for monitoring the values of the following variables:
- Driven joint axes
- Cartesian position
- Drag joint axes
- Drag distances
If the range delimited by the software limit switches is exceeded, an error is issued. Then only jog mode is possible to move the robot back to the permitted range. In addition, the software limit switches of the driven joint axes in the "JOG_JOINT" operating mode and the software limit switches of the Cartesian positions in the "JOG_CART" operating mode have a limiting effect, i.e. the permitted range cannot be left any further in the respective operating mode.
Deactivating software limit switches
The software limit switches can be deactivated (disable SWLS). In this case, the software limit switches no longer have a limiting effect in jog mode and it is also possible to move outside the permitted range in program mode. However, moving out of the permitted range is still indicated. If the software limit switches are deactivated, the warning "0x17E61" appears as well as a note to reactivate the software limit switches.

In the current version of the software module, deactivating the software limit switches only affects the software limit switches configured in the software module itself. The software limit switches of lower-level MultiMotion axes are not taken into account when deactivating.
Software limit switches of driven joint axes
The software limit switches of the driven joint axes take effect when the positions of the driven joint axes are valid and the software limit switches are not deactivated. This means they are not in effect in referencing mode and in unreferenced jog mode.
Cartesian software limit switches
The Cartesian software limit switches take effect when the Cartesian position is valid and the software limit switches are not deactivated. This means they do not take effect in homing mode, unreferenced jogging or when kinematic transformation is not possible. The Cartesian software limit switches limit the tool coordinates in the base coordinate system for the translational degrees of freedom X, Y, and Z, as well as rotation around these axes. Not the joint axes of the kinematic model are limited here, but the 3D space coordinates of the tool.
Software limit switches of drag joint axes
The software limit switches of drag joint axes take effect when the Cartesian position is valid and the software limit switches are not deactivated. This means they do not take effect in homing mode, unreferenced jogging or when kinematic transformation is not possible. The software limit switches of drag joint axes limit the movement of joint axes to which no drive is assigned. An example of this are the elbows of the TRIPOD_RR_M10 kinematic model.
Software limit switches of drag distances
The software limit switches of drag distances take effect when the Cartesian position is valid and the software limit switches are not deactivated. This means they do not take effect in homing mode, unreferenced jogging or when kinematic transformation is not possible. The software limit switches of drag distances limit selected distances for certain kinematics models. An example of this is the distances to the lateral boundaries of the QUADROPOD_LLLL_M20 kinematic model.