Adding PTP segment with pose variable

PTP segment with specification of a target pose via an SRL program variable.

"New Block" value: "PTP_VAR".


Identifier for the PTP segment


Selection of the target pose variable


Concise display of the selected values


Display and selection of the selected target pose variable.

The TeachIn function is used to save the current pose of the variable of the target pose. However, the constellation and the joint axis phases are not saved.


Selection of the constellation via ...

  • Assignment type (Var = SRL variable, Val = specified value, Keep = no assignment is to be made, the previous value of the property is retained)
  • Assignment value (Var = choice box with the index of the available SRL variables, Val = edit box for absolute values with the type floating point)


Selection of the joint axis phases (Var = SRL variable, Val = specified value, Keep = no assignment is to be made, the previous value of the property is retained)


Definition of the blending distance