
  1. Adjust the following values in the SuperAxisGroup structure:
  2. Set the rMACPriority_Torque_Skew variable of the SuperAxisGroup to the value "2" to activate the operating mode "Skew priority – without overload protection".
  3. In the Basic.IN structure of the SuperAxisGroup, set the xEnable_EmergencyStop and xEnable_ApplicationStop variables to "TRUE".
    • All axis group members of the SuperAxisGroup are enabled.
  4. Simultaneously turn the two motors of the ASide by hand, making sure they go beyond their nominal torque.
    • The BSide moves along in the opposite direction. This corresponds to a behavior without overload protection.
  5. Set the lrMACPriority_Torque_Skew variable to 1.
  6. Simultaneously turn the two motors of the ASide by hand, making sure they go beyond their nominal torque.
    • The BSide moves along in the same direction. This corresponds to a behavior with overload protection.
  • Overload protection serves the purpose of preventing major damage to the system, and allows for the hoist to be lowered in a controlled manner until the brake engages.