Standard assignment of digital inputs

When using the software module, the digital inputs are assigned the following functions by default:

Digital input


DI 00

Output stage enable

DI 01

No function

DI 02

No function

DI 03

No function

DI 04

Touchprobe input

DI 05

No function

DI 06Available with MOVIDRIVE® technology 🛈Available with MOVITRAC® advanced 🛈Available with MOVIGEAR® DSI 🛈

No function

DI 07Available with MOVIDRIVE® technology 🛈Available with MOVIGEAR® DSI 🛈

No function

DI 08Available with MOVIGEAR® DSI 🛈

Maintenance switch position

DIO 01Available with MOVITRAC® advanced 🛈Available with MOVIGEAR® DSI 🛈

Configured as input, no function

DIO 02Available with MOVITRAC® advanced 🛈Available with MOVIGEAR® DSI 🛈

Configured as input, no function