Fault memory
The current initial fault and all other subsequent faults are residually saved in the fault memory with associated timestamp.

Additional messages for the errors are entered in the fault memory in the columns "Primary error" and "Sub-error". These are messages that do not directly trigger a fault response of the CS..A safety option. Essentially, these are the message "Power On" (primary error 66 and sub-error 100) and the message "Acknowledgment message" (primary error 66 and sub-error 101).
In the "Pos" column, the position of the fault is displayed. In the "Info" column, a symbol indicates the category of the fault. In the "Error message" column, the fault number, the main fault text and the subfault text is displayed. The actual value of the operating hours counter of the safety option is displayed in the "Time" column. The "Internal fault" column is used for internal purposes. The fault memory is organized as a ring memory. The most recently occurring fault is shown in line 0 of the list. If there are more than 50 entries, the oldest fault is overwritten.