Startup requirements
- To validate the implemented safety sub-functions, the safety sub-functions must be checked and documented after successful startup.
- When doing so, the restrictions for the safety sub-functions in chapter "Restrictions" must be taken into consideration. Non-safety-related parts and components which affect the test result (e.g. motor brake) must be deactivated.
- In order to use the device in safety-related applications, it is essential that you perform and record startup checks for the disconnecting device and correct wiring.
- For the CS..A safety options, the startup check and logging is supported by the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool with an acceptance report.

- In order to avoid a hazard in the intended application when a fault occurs, the user must check whether the fault response time of each safety sub-function is shorter than the maximum permissible fault response time of the application. The maximum permissible fault response time must not be exceeded!
- The user must ensure implementation of the requirements of the required safety integrity level (SIL) in accordance with EN 61508 or performance level (PL) pursuant to EN ISO 13849-1.