Process sequence and signal states


For the behavior of the drive at standstill, observe the information in section "Stop functions" in the "Control functions" configuration menu of the inverter.


If the motion sequence is interrupted by revoking the enable signals PO1:0, PO1:1 or PO1:13, the movement must be restarted by setting "Apply relative position". The target position is recalculated and saved, i.e. the drive moves to a different target position than originally desired. If the movement is not to be aborted but only interrupted (while retaining the original target position), the drive can be stopped by removing the PO 1:7 "Start/Stop" signal.




Signal states


General enable

  • PO 1:0 = "1"
  • Enable/emergency stop

PO 1:0

  • "1": Enable
  • "0": Deceleration with emergency stop ramp
  • PO 1:1 = "1"
  • Enable/application stop

PO 1:1

  • "1": Enable
  • "0": Deceleration according to application limit
  • PO 1:13 = "0"
  • Output stage inhibit (signal with highest priority)

PO 1:13

  • "0": Output stage enabled
  • "1": Output stage inhibited (the drive coasts to a stop or the brake is applied).


"Relative positioning mode" operating mode is activated

PO 6

401 (decimal)

Dynamics parameters are applied (also during ongoing movement)

PO 2

PO 3

PO 4

Setpoint speed



Start/stop of the axis. If the "Start" signal is revoked during movement to the first target, the drive is stopped and continues to move to the original target if this signal is set again.

PI 1:7

  • "1": The drive accelerates to the setpoint speed specified via PO 2 using the value specified via PO 3.
  • "0": The motor is held at speed 0 subject to position control.


Specification of the distance

(relative position)

PO 7

PO 8

"Setpoint position" (high word)

"Setpoint position" (low word)

[2] to [3]


[5] to [6]

Apply relative position

INFORMATION: The relative position is calculated once with the rising edge of the signal, and is saved. With the next positive edge (also during movement to the first target), the travel section can be extended or shortened by the specified relative position.

PO 1:6

  • "1": Apply relative position

[1] to [2],

[4] to [5]

and from [7]

If the actual position lies within the configured window width, the feedback "In position" is issued. The drive stops subject to position control. The signal is reset when the operating mode is deselected.

PI 1:7

  • "1": "In position" signal active