Using the "CallUserProgramBeforeProfileGeneration" method

The CallUserProgramBeforeProfileGeneration method is used to integrate a user program immediately before the profile of a specific axis is generated. This allows the system, for example, to calculate free profiles that are not included in the MultiMotion axis functions.

The CallUserProgramBeforeProfileGeneration method has a special role. It is an optional method and is not included in the project template.

Carry out the following steps to integrate a user program using this method:

  1. Create a new function block that implements the CallUserProgramBeforeProfileGeneration interface.
  2. Implement the code using the CallUserProgramBeforeProfileGeneration method.
  3. Declare an instance of the function block as a global variable, for example.
  4. Connect the interface of the respective axis instance with the instance of the function block by making a call from within USER_PRG.Init().
  • The method of the defined function block is always called from the corresponding position Axis1.CallUserProgramBeforeProfileGeneration() during program execution. At runtime, you can switch between the methods of various function blocks.