

This configuration menu is only available with the "MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Camming" license.

Parameter name



Master source

  • User program
  • Depending on this setting, the automatic code generation creates a master-slave connection in the action SEW_PRG.LinkInterfaces. The structure MasterUserProgram from the global variable Interface_AxisName is used as the master source. The user must provide the master values to this structure in the cyclic task.
  • Configured axis
  • The setpoints of the slave axis are adopted from the axis selected under "Master axis name".
  • EncoderInterface
  • The setpoints of the slave axis are adopted from the encoder interface selected under "EncoderInterface name".
  • None

Index: 50006.5

IEC name: -

Master axis name

Information: Visible with "Configured axis" master source.

Selects the master axis

Index: 50006.1

IEC name: -

EncoderInterface name

Information: Visible with "EncoderInterface" master source.

Selects the EncoderInterface

Index: 50006.11

IEC name: -